Support us
To keep our operations going we are in need of your financial support. Please donate through the button below, or contact us if you are interested in a sponsorship.
The foundation Miles4Justice has an ANBI status. This means that it is a public benefit institution, a charitable institution, and donations are deductible from your taxable income.
In order to comply with ANBI regulations for 2014 please find below the information needed.
Name: Stichting Miles4Justice
RSIN: 820385736
Goal: Seek attention for (Violations of) Human Rights in the broadest sense of the word.
Policy: Collect funds from sponsors in order to organise an event to put a specific group of people who have stood up for human rights in the spotlight.
Board: Mrs. C. Knoops-Hamburger (Chairman), Mr. M. Brinkman (Secretary), Mrs. D. Rietveld (Treasurer)
Remuneration Policy: the foundation has no paid employees, nor is the board paid for their services. All funds collected will be used towards the execution of the projects.
Activities: for a description of the activities we kindly refer you to the events part of our website.
Annual report: You can find the annual reports of Stichting Miles 4 Justice 2020 – Stichting Miles 4 Justice 2021 – Stichting Miles 4 Justice 2022 and Stichting Miles 4 Justice 2023 here.
You can also donate directly to us by sending money through bank transfer:
Stichting Miles4JusticeAccount No:
IBAN No. NL 05 ABNA 0567 5589 16.